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 Pond Cleaning Services

Pond Swifter Sifter


OSR Systems has an array of products to help maintain your pond or waterway, enhance the water quality, and reduce bottom sediments.

The Swifter Sifter is designed to skim the top or bottom of your pond or lake. If efficiently removes floating debris, non-rooted aquatic plants, cust weeds and filamentous algae from the water surface and leaves, twigs and other submerged debris from the lake or pond bottom.

Click here for more information of The Swifter Sifter.

 Pond Cleaning Services    Pond Cleaning Services
 Pond Cleaning Services


 Pond Cleaning Services

Pond Swifter Sifter

OSR Systems has an array of products to help maintain your pond or waterway, enhance the water quality, and reduce bottom sediments.

The Swifter Sifter is designed to skim the top or bottom of your pond or lake. If efficiently removes floating debris, non-rooted aquatic plants, cust weeds and filamentous algae from the water surface and leaves, twigs and other submerged debris from the lake or pond bottom.

Click here for more information of The Swifter Sifter.

 Pond Cleaning Services    Pond Cleaning Services
 Pond Cleaning Services