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Pond Cleaning Services

Maintaining Your Pond

If you have removed the organic sediment from the bottom of your pond, you have taken the first and most important step in restoring the ecology of your pond to a healthy balance. Once the bottom bio-mass has been removed, it should be easy to maintain from here. If you continue with a maintenance program, your pond should last 20 to 25 years before you notice an increase in chemical usage. Below are some products to help maintain your pond. You may want to contact us before purchasing any products. Every pond has its own special environment to consider, and we can help you with your decision.  

A LAKE COLORANT OR DYE is very important to apply during the spring and summer months. A dye diffuses the sunlight’s ability to penetrate the water column, preventing algae and plant growth. It is like putting a piece of plywood on your grass. Where there is no sunlight, there is no photosynthesis: nothing will grow. 
ALGAECIDES will control the algae that will try to establish themselves in the shallow waters alongside the banks. The lake dyes should take care of the deeper areas of the pond, but the sunlight will penetrate the shallow bank areas. Algaecides will kill and control the algae that will try to establish themselves in these shallow waters.
HERBICIDES control plant and weed growth. I try to encourage plant growth on the banks of my pond to help stabilize the banks. This is also where the aerobic bacteria thrive and is one of the crucial living organisms of the pond. Herbicides are for unwanted species of weed and plant growth in shallow or deeper areas of the pond.
AERATION SYSTEMS - The most effective are air compressors with bottom diffusers. The main purpose of an aeration system is to elevate the stagnant water from the bottom of the pond to the surface and keep the pond from stratifying low levels of oxygenated water trapped in thermo clines. The more tiny bubbles produced from a diffuser, the more water column you will have pushing the bottom water to the surface, and the greater chance you will have keeping oxygenated water throughout the pond. Aeration also helps to burp the pond of any gases as the water rises to the surface. These gases are introduced by anaerobic bacteria which are compressed in the water under the pressure at depth, which is very important. These systems need to be custom designed for your ponds water volume and depth. Please contact us and we can help you design yours free of charge.
BACTERIA are the decomposers of organics. There are many different species, and 99% of our clients have little success with these products along with aeration. They are tricky to use and we can explain why.
The SWIFTER SIFTER is a product we manufacture to remove surface material such as leaves, duckweed, etc, from the surface water and can be used to remove heavy debris from the bottom, shorelines, and beach areas. Please see our videos on this product.

Pond Cleaning Services


Pond Cleaning Services

Maintaining Your Pond

If you have removed the organic sediment from the bottom of your pond, you have taken the first and most important step in restoring the ecology of your pond to a healthy balance. Once the bottom bio-mass has been removed, it should be easy to maintain from here. If you continue with a maintenance program, your pond should last 20 to 25 years before you notice an increase in chemical usage. Below are some products to help maintain your pond. You may want to contact us before purchasing any products. Every pond has its own special environment to consider, and we can help you with your decision.  

A LAKE COLORANT OR DYE is very important to apply during the spring and summer months. A dye diffuses the sunlight’s ability to penetrate the water column, preventing algae and plant growth. It is like putting a piece of plywood on your grass. Where there is no sunlight, there is no photosynthesis: nothing will grow. 
ALGAECIDES will control the algae that will try to establish themselves in the shallow waters alongside the banks. The lake dyes should take care of the deeper areas of the pond, but the sunlight will penetrate the shallow bank areas. Algaecides will kill and control the algae that will try to establish themselves in these shallow waters.
HERBICIDES control plant and weed growth. I try to encourage plant growth on the banks of my pond to help stabilize the banks. This is also where the aerobic bacteria thrive and is one of the crucial living organisms of the pond. Herbicides are for unwanted species of weed and plant growth in shallow or deeper areas of the pond.
AERATION SYSTEMS - The most effective are air compressors with bottom diffusers. The main purpose of an aeration system is to elevate the stagnant water from the bottom of the pond to the surface and keep the pond from stratifying low levels of oxygenated water trapped in thermo clines. The more tiny bubbles produced from a diffuser, the more water column you will have pushing the bottom water to the surface, and the greater chance you will have keeping oxygenated water throughout the pond. Aeration also helps to burp the pond of any gases as the water rises to the surface. These gases are introduced by anaerobic bacteria which are compressed in the water under the pressure at depth, which is very important. These systems need to be custom designed for your ponds water volume and depth. Please contact us and we can help you design yours free of charge.
BACTERIA are the decomposers of organics. There are many different species, and 99% of our clients have little success with these products along with aeration. They are tricky to use and we can explain why.
The SWIFTER SIFTER is a product we manufacture to remove surface material such as leaves, duckweed, etc, from the surface water and can be used to remove heavy debris from the bottom, shorelines, and beach areas. Please see our videos on this product.

Pond Cleaning Services